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This page provides descriptions of the courses that I TAed for during my time at NYU, along with my teaching evaluations for each course. These evaluations are entirely anonymous, voluntary for the students to fill out, and are not  sent to instructors until final grades are submitted.

My approach to teaching is one that prioritizes clarity and accessibility; to me, this means connecting the concepts from lectures to the interests of individual students. This demonstrates practical applications of the material, and shows my own curiosity to my students, so that we can learn from each other. I aim to provide multiple ways of looking at any given question, and actively encourage my students to share their differing perspectives and experiences in open discussion. Alongside this is a focus on information literacy: how can we find, interpret, and act on information that that is appropriate for our needs, while making responsible and ethical decisions about our treatment of this information? This is crucial both in and out of the classroom. 

If you are interested in any teaching materials, please send me an email! I'm happy to discuss assignments and share any slides/video tutorials that I developed for discussion sections and lectures. 

Language (Undergraduate Introduction to Linguistics), Fall 2019

  • Teaching Assistant to Juliet Stanton

  • Course Description: This course is an introductory survey of the field of linguistics – the scientific study of language. The following questions are covered throughout the semester: Is speaking an instinctual or learned behavior? Why do children acquire language so much faster and more easily than adults do, and what are the stages of acquisition? What do the native speakers of a language know about the language's word structure, sentence structure, sentence meaning, and pronunciation? How is language processed in the brain? How and why did language evolve into such a complex system? How does language interact with social class, race, and gender? How is language used in advertising and law?

  • Teaching Evaluations

Sound and Language (Undergraduate Introduction to Phonetics), Fall 2020 

  • Teaching Assistant to Maria Gouskova

  • Course Description: This course is intended to introduce students to the study of linguistic phonetics—the scientific study of speech. The focus is on both articulatory phonetics (how the lungs, vocal tract, tongue and mouth are used to produce speech) and acoustic phonetics (the acoustic properties of speech and how they can be examined by translating them into the visual domain). Students learn skills such as phonetic transcription and acoustic analysis, including scientific, objective methods for analyzing speech sounds. In order to learn articulatory and acoustic phonetics and transcription, we use data both from English and from other languages spoken around the world.

  • Teaching Evaluations

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